Now more than ever, potential customers are looking for luxury masterpieces that offer them a memorable experience.
Packaging is an incredibly important aspect of creating that luxury experience, and yet — it can be one of the most overlooked.
Luxury packaging offers the opportunity to elicit desire, demonstrate prestige, ensure consistency in the brand messaging and serve as competitive advantage.
If you want to invite your audience to your luxury brand’s universe, high-end packaging design is vital. Each element tells a story and you want to make sure the story you are telling is aligned with your brand.
Luxury Branding and Packaging Design: Why It’s Important
Packaging isn’t only physical protection for the product. Your customer’s interaction with packaging will be the first impression on the luxury masterpiece, and it should speak for itself.
It’s Not for Everyone.
Luxury packaging is very different to commercial packaging: luxury products don’t need to be covered in bright colors. They don’t need to be visible. They don’t need to be accessible everywhere at all times. The allure of luxury branding actually lies in its perception of exclusivity.
Create a unique and alluring packaging design that will draw the right audience to you.
Follow these steps to properly execute a successful high-end packaging design and showcase your brand’s true artistry.
5 Steps To Create a Luxury Packaging Design:
Luxury brands don’t need to shout to be noticed. Quite the contrary: they seek to attract the right audience. How does this translate to premium packaging? Two words: Design simplicity.
Luxury packaging is usually simple. Don’t go overboard with vibrant, contrasting colors or bright graphics. Instead, choose one or two subtle, understated shades. A well-placed, elegant logo speaks volumes.
Premium brands know how to turn high-end packaging into a sensual experience. If you want to position your brand as premium, keep in mind that the packaging should look and feel refined.
Engaging with the senses is a direct connection to the emotional world of your audience, and a remarkable opportunity to over deliver on your brand’s promise.
When you’re designing your luxury brand packaging, ask yourself: How can you include the senses of touch, sight, smell, hearing or even taste into your haute design packaging?
Every step of the brand experience should exude elegance for your customer. You want to create a design experience that is so delightful that the unwrapping process brings excitement.
Customers expect more from high-end brands. When they buy from premium businesses, they do so stirred by deep emotions relating to belonging and exclusivity, and your luxury brand should be able to reassure them at each point of contact.
Luxury packaging materials are an integral part of your exclusive brand identity, and will help keep your clients yearning for more.
When your target customer holds your luxury packaging, they should sense they have a sophisticated object in their hands. Invest in high-quality materials so that your packaging exudes the same aura of quality and refinement as what’s inside.
You’re a luxury brand, and your packaging should feel luxurious, too.It should be aesthetically pleasing, with a heightened attention to detail, and elements of elegance.
While this means packaging will cost more, it goes a long way to creating the high-end, tactile experience your customers are expecting from you.
Packaging is an incredible branding opportunity for your high-end brand, and you can capitalize on it to communicate its quality, character and exclusivity. Packaging —as any other element of your luxury business, from its identity to creating the luxury experience in online and offline retail spaces— is a direct link to your premium brand.
Ensure that you have consistent brand messaging across all communication channels and at every step of the process.
When your luxury packaging design is aligned with your brand’s story, your products and your target audience, it will create a memorable brand experience.
Want to know more about building a successful luxury brand packaging?